Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess with golden hair that shone like the sun. Her ruby red lips were more valuable and more red than the biggest ruby. Her hazel eyes were more foggie than the the thickest  fog. Her stepmother was very jealous of her looks. Everyday she would ask herself, "What can I do to get rid of Abelardia?" She came up with no answer. Finally after two years of living with her, the wicked step mother thought up a grim plan. She would poison Abelaria with a drink that smelled vile. She tried everything to get her to get the drink the slop, but it did not work. Abelardia would drink it, because of the smell. So that witch went up the stairs and gave her the drink. The princess fainted. The witch cackled and laughing! OH NO! Here comes the prince to save Abelardia. He destroyed the witch and kissed Abelardia to wake her up. And....

They all lived happily ever after! The End.